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先后在澳大利亚联邦科工组织水土所(1999,11-2001,03)、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(2002,11-2003,04)、德国柏林工业大学(2004, 11-2005, 02)进修和高访。获德国Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg的年度高级研究员研究奖。在格拉夫斯沃德大学进行合作研究(2009,10 - 2010,09)。








作为主持人获得国家科技进步二等奖(2009) 1项、宁夏回族自治区科技进步一等奖(2007) 1项和甘肃省自然科学一等奖(2008) 1项。另,获甘肃省科技进步二等奖2项。曾获中国科学技术协会“中国科学技术发展基金沙产业贡献奖”(2001)、中国沙产业学会“全国防沙治沙先进科技工作者”(2003)、中科院首届“王宽城西部学者突出贡献奖”(2008)、中国科学院生态系统研究网络突出贡献奖(2014)、第七届全国优秀科技工作者奖(2016)。


1. Li XR, Gao YH, Su JQ, Jia RL, Zhang ZS. 2014. Ants mediate soil water in arid desert ecosystems: mitigating rainfall interception induced by biological soil crusts? Applied Soil Ecology, 78: 57-64.

2. Li XR, Zhang ZS, Tan HJ, Gao YH, Liu LC, Wang XP. 2014. Ecological restoration and recovery in the wind-blown sand hazard areas of northern China: relationship between soil water and carrying capacity for vegetation in the Tengger Desert. Science in China (C), 57: 539-548.

3. Li XR, Zhang ZS, Huang L, Wang XP. 2013. Review of the ecohydrological processes and feedback mechanisms controlling sand-binding vegetation systems in sandy desert regions of China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 1-14.

4. Li XR, P. Zhang, YG Su, RL Jia. 2012. Carbon fixation by biological soil crusts following stabilization of sand dune in arid desert regions of China: a four-year field study, Catena, 97: 119-126.

5. Li XR, Jia RL, Chen YW, Huang L. 2011. Association of ant nests association with successional stages of soil crusts in the Tengger desert, Northern China, Applied Soil Ecology, 47: 59-66.

6. Li XR, Tian F, Jia RL, Zhang ZS, Liu LC. 2010. Do biological soil crusts determine vegetation changes in sandy deserts? Implications for managing artificial vegetation, Hydrological Processes, 24: 3621-3630.

7. Li XR, He MZ, Stefan Z, Li XJ, Liu LC. 2010. Micro-geomorphology determines community structure of BSCs at small scale, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35: 932-940.

8. Li XR, Tan HJ, He MZ, Wang XP, Li XJ. 2009. Patterns of shrub species richness and abundance in relation to environmental factors on the Alxa Plateau: Prerequisites for conserving shrub diversity in extreme arid desert regions, Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, 52: 669-680.

9. Li XR, Kong DS, Tan HJ, Wang XP. 2007. Changes in soil and in vegetation following stabilisation of dune in southeastern fringe of the Tengger Desert, China, Plant and Soil, 300: 221-231.

10. Li XR, He MZ, Duan ZH, Xiao HL, Jia XH. 2007. Recovery of topsoil physicochemical properties in revegetated sites in the sand-burial ecosystems of the Tengger Desert, northern China, Geomorphology, 88: 254-265.

11. Li XR, Chen YW, Su YG, Tan HJ. 2006. Effects of biological soil crust on desert insect diversity: evidence from the Tengger Desert of northern China, Arid Land Research and Management, 20 (4). 1-18.

12. Li XR, Xiao HL, He MZ, Zhang JG. 2006. Sand barriers of Straw checkerboard for habitat restoration in extremely arid desert region of China, Ecological Engineering, 28: 149-157.

13. Li XR, Jia XH, Dong GR. 2006. Influence of desertification on vegetation pattern variations in the cold semi-arid grasslands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Northwest China, Journal of Arid Environments. 64: 505-522.

14. Li XR, Jia XH, Long LQ, Stefan Z. 2005. Effects of biological soil crusts on seed bank, germination and establishment of two annual plant species in the Tengger Desert (N China), Plant and Soil, 277: 375-385.

15. Li XR. 2005. Influence of variation of soil spatial heterogeneity on vegetation restoration, Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, 48: 2020-2031.

16. Li XR, Chen YW, Yang LW. 2004. Cryptogam Diversity and Formation of Soil Crusts in Temperate Desert, Annals of Arid Zone, 43: 335-353.

17. Li XR, Xiao HL, Zhang JG, Wang XP. 2004. Long-term Ecosystem Effects of Sand-binding Vegetation in Shapotou Region of Tengger Desert, Northern China, Restoration Ecology, 12: 376-390.

18. Li XR, Zhang ZS, Zhang JG, Jia XH. 2004. Association between vegetation pattern and soil properties in the southeastern Tengger desert, China, Arid Land Research and Management. 18: 369-383.

19. Li XR, Ma FY, Xiao HL, Wang XP, Kim KC. 2004. Long-term effects of revegetation on soil water content of sand dunes in arid region of northern China. Journal of Arid Environments. 57:1-16.

20. Li XR, Zhou HY, Wang XP, Zhu YG, O’Conner PJ. 2003. The effects of re-vegetation on cryptogam species diversity in Tengger Desert, Northern China. Plant and Soil, 251: 237-245.

21. Li XR, Wang XP, Li T, Zhang JG. 2002. Microbiotic crust and its effect on vegetation and habitat on artificially stabilized desert dunes in Tengger Desert, North China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35: 147-154.

22. Li XR. 2001. Study on shrub community diversity of Ordos plateau, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 47: 271-279.

23. Li XR, Zhang JG, Wang XP, Liu LC. 2000. Study on soil microbiotic crust and its influences on sand fixing vegetation in arid desert region, Acta Botanica Sinica. 42: 965-970.


