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2005.09-2008.07 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 博士 自然地理 指导教师 秦大河院士 侯书贵研究员

2002.09-2005.07 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 硕士 自然地理 指导教师 秦大河院士 侯书贵研究员

1998.09-2002.07 兰州大学 学士 大气物理与大气环境方向 指导教师 郄秀书研究员


2015.01-              中科院西北生态环境资源研究院 研究员

2012.01-2014.12 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 副研究员

2010.12-2014.08 美国加州大学戴维斯分析 访问学者

2008.07-2011.12 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 助理研究员


1. Zhang, X., Xu, J., Kang, S., Zhang, Q., and Sun, J.: Chemical characterization and sources of submicron aerosols in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau: insights from high-resolution mass spectrometry, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7897-7911, 10.5194/acp-19-7897-2019, 2019.
2. An, Y., Xu, J*., Feng, L., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Kang, S., Jiang, B., and Liao, Y.: Molecular characterization of organic aerosol in the Himalayas: insight from ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 1115-1128, 10.5194/acp-19-1115-2019, 2019.
3. Zhang, X., Xu, J*., Kang, S., Liu, Y., and Zhang, Q.: Chemical characterization of long-range transport biomass burning emissions to the Himalayas: insights from high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4617-4638, 10.5194/acp-18-4617-2018, 2018.
4. Xu, J., Zhang, Q., Shi, J., Ge, X., Xie, C., Wang, J., Kang, S., Zhang, R., and Wang, Y.: Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibetan Plateau: insights from aerosol mass spectrometry, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 427-443, 10.5194/acp-18-427-2018, 2018.
5. Wang, J., Zhang, Q., Chen, M., Collier, S., Zhou, S., Ge, X*., Xu, J*., Shi, J., Xie, C., Hu, J., Ge, S., Sun, Y., and Coe, H.: First Chemical Characterization of Refractory Black Carbon Aerosols and Associated Coatings over the Tibetan Plateau (4730 m a.s.l), Environmental Science & Technology, 10.1021/acs.est.7b03973, 2017.
6. Xu, J., Shi, J., Zhang, Q., Ge, X., Canonaco, F., Szidat, S., Ge, J., Ma, J., An, Y., Kang, S., and Qin, D.: Wintertime organic and inorganic aerosols in Lanzhou, China: Sources, processes and comparison with the results during summer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(23), 14937-14957, 2016.
7. Feng, L., J. Xu*, S. Kang, X. Li, Y. Li, B. Jiang, and Q. Shi (2016), Chemical composition of microbe-derived dissolved organic matter in cryoconite in Tibetan Plateau glaciers: insights from Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(24), 13215-13223.
8. Liu, Y., Xu, J*., Kang, S., Li, X., Li, Y. Storage of dissolved organic carbon in Chinese glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 2016, 62(232), 402-406.
9. Xu, J., Zhang, Q., Yu, G., Wang, Z., Qin, X., Ge, X. Chemical comp osition and size distribution of summertime PM2.5 at a high altitude remote location in the northeast of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau: insights into aerosol sources and processing in free troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 5069-5081.
10. Xu, J., Zhang, Q., Chen, M., Ge, X., Ren, J., Qin, D. Chemical composition, sources, and processes of urban aerosols during summertime in Northwest China: insights from High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 12593-12611.
11. Xu, J., Wang, Z., Yu, G., Qin, X., Ren, J., Qin, D., 2014. Characteristics of water soluble ionic species in fine particles from a high altitude site on the northern boundary of Tibetan Plateau: Mixture of mineral dust and anthropogenic aerosol. Atmospheric Research, 2014, 143, 43-56.
12. Xu, J.Z., Q, Zhang, X, Li, X, Ge, C, Xiao, J, Ren, D, Qin, Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic ions in a central Himalayan glacier— Insights into chemical composition and atmospheric sources. Environmental Science&Technology, 2013, 47, 6181–6188.
13. Yu, G., J., Xu,* S.C., Kang, Q., Zhang, J., Huang, Q., Ren, J.W., Ren, D.H., Qin, Lead isotopic composition of insoluble particles from widespread mountain glaciers in western China: Natural vs. anthropogenic sources, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 75, 224-232.
14. Xu, J., Wang, Z., Yu, G., Sun, W., Qin, X., Ren, J., Qin, D., Seasonal an d diurnal variations in aerosol concentrations at a high-altitude site on the northern boundary of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Atmos. Res, 2013, 120–121, 240-248.
15. Xu, J., Kang, S., Hou, S., Zhang, Q., Huang, J., Xiao, C., Ren, J., Qin, D., Characterization of contemporary aeolian dust deposition on mountain glaciers of western China. Science Cold and Arid Regions, 2016, 8(1). 9-21.
16. Collier, S., Zhou, S., Onasch, T., Jaffe, D., Kleinman, L., Sedlaceklll, A., Briggs, N., Hee, J., Fortner, E., Shiling, J., Worsnop, D., Yokelson, R., Parworth, C., Ge, X., Xu, J., Butterfield, Z., Chand, D., Dubey, M., Pekour, M., Springston, S., Zhang, Q., Regional Influence of Aerosol Emissions from Wildfires Driven by Combustion Efficiency: Insights from the BBOP Campaign, Environmental Science&Technology, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01617.
17. Zhou, S., Collier, S., Xu, J., Mei, F., Wang, J., Lee, Y.-N., Sedlacek, A. J., Springston, S. R., Sun, Y. L., and Zhang, Q. Influences of upwind emission sources and atmospheric processing on aerosol chemistry and properties at a rural location in the Northeastern US. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2016, 121, 6049 – 6065, 10.1002/2015JD024568.



2.冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室自主课题,不同地区高时间分辨率亚微米气溶胶化学组成研究 - 高分辨率飞行时间质谱仪的应用,SKLCS-ZZ-2014-01,60万,主持,2014.1-2015.12

3.中科院重点部署项目, 冰冻圈快速变化的关键过程研究, KJZD-EW-G03,35万,骨干,2014.1-2017.12

4.国家自然基金重点项目, 西昆仑山崇侧冰帽末次间冰期以来冰芯记录及冰川变化对气候的响应, 41330526,10万,骨干,2014.1-2018.12

5.中科院“百人计划”A类项目, 雪冰中有机质及偏远地区大气气溶胶研究, Y529841002,270万,主持,2015.1-2018.12



8.冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室自主课题, 青藏高原偏远地区细颗粒气溶胶可溶性离子高分辨率研究, SKLCS-ZZ-2016-01-04,40万,主持,2016.1-2017.12

9. 国家自然基金面上项目,中国西部雪冰溶解性有机质时空变化特征、来源以及气候环境意义,41771079,71万,主持,2018.1-2022.12

10. 科技部重点研发计划专项,格陵兰冰盖和表明物质平衡演化及其对海平面的影响预估,XDA20040501,80万,骨干,2018.10-2023.10

11. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项资助,泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设子课题(南亚-中亚-西亚大气污染物传输及其环境影响),200万,骨干,2018.3-2023.2
